Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My First Kid

Twenty years ago this week my then-girlfriend told me that she had had a miscarriage. It didn't bother me much then, because I was only 24 and hadn't known her for very long. But now, man, I'd have a nineteen-year-old kid. Probably very pretty or very handsome. Probably very smart. Probably very kind and giving.

I miss having the opportunity.

But, I realize that I probably wouldn't have my beautiful, smart, kind and giving eight-year-old daughter.

I'm very glad for that opportunity.

Specter of things to come

I'm happy happy happy! Another Republican jumped off the sinking ship. And it's not like it's a crazy party switcher, like Zell Miller or Joseph Lieberman. I've always thought Specter was a decent person. I don't always agree with him, which is fine with me, but he's always been rational. Welcome! Glad to have you! Come on in!