Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Iran so far away

I hope the people of Iran get a government that they can trust. Not one they like, not one they agree with, but one that they trust. One who plays by the same rules. By most accounts, Mousavi is not better than Ahmadinejad, just different. I'd rather have a president who admits to being a little shady than one who pretends to be a saint. Kinda like the mayor of Las Vegas over George W. Bush. I'd know what to expect. And hats off to Obama for steering clear of criticizing the results. A buttload of my conservative friends (and elected officials and talking heads) had a mouthful to say when other countries' leaders expressed their disappointment in the outcomes of the 2000 and 2004 elections. Those same knobs are saying that Obama needs to be more forceful about Iran's elections. Thankfully he knows better than to get pulled into that trap.

Speaking of elections...Akron's mayor is staying put!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I wonder if there will be a day when everyone has everything pierced. What's the next big thing? Maybe it will go back to basics, like music briefly did in the early Ohs when the stripped down rock of The Strokes, Ben Harper, The Hives, The Killers, etc hit the scene. It would be nice for me if things went back to basics. I have no idea what my wife's natural hair looks like. I've never seen it without chemical enhancement. It would be nice if everyone, regardless of ancestry, cut their hair down with a #1 guard on the clippers. Also, take out the posts and laser off the tats. If a person wants to be noticed it should be on accomplishments, like how many hungry people did she feed, how many shoes did he make for the people with no shoes on their feet. And for every 100 then a person can get some ink or an earring.

It was weird to watch the NBA playoffs and see guys with all those tatoos missing freethrows. Instead of sitting in the parlor those mofos should be practicing hitting those easy shots and earn all that money. Shhiiiiiiiiiit. If I was paying those fellas I'd take $10,000 away for every free throw they miss and give it to Big Brothers & Sisters.

It will be nice when people don't feel the need to be recognized and noticed and go back to doing their jobs.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

I Let the Days Go By

I was ironing clothes today. I get really, really sentimental when I iron my daughter's clothes. It's probably because I know she won't be wearing them for much longer. She'll outgrow them, outgrow this house, outgrow my advice. I had her when I was so old that I'll probably never get to see her as an old lady. I bet she'll be beautiful, like an Eartha Kitt or Katherine Hepburn.

It started out and ended up a nice day.