Monday, October 12, 2009

Who the Hell is Ross Douthat?

Obviously, he hasn't been around long enough to amass a body of work that is worthy of a regular op-ed columnist position at the New York Times. What has he done besides worked hard, published a book and graduated from Harvard? He doesn't even have a law degree! Do I think he would be in the position he is today were it not for his parents' names and influences? The answer is a brief and resounding NO!

Instead of offering congratulations to a man who was chosen as recipient of an elusive prize, he, instead, pour vitriol from his piehole over the accomplishments, past and future, achieved and contemplated, that President Obama owns.

I can hardly wait until the news breaks about Mr. Douthat's serious character flaws. Wait, make that his humanity.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I forgot

David Gregory has won me over. I miss Tim Russert, but Gregory sticks to the general point rather than calling out his guests over a specific word.


I don't believe what I'm hearing. Sen. Lindsey Graham said something positive about Obama and something less-than-sycophantic about Bush II.

And all the guests this morning on Meet the Press said they'd support the elimination of "don't ask don't tell." Am I freakin' dreaming? My dad served in WW II and years ago he told me in his slow Southern cadence, "I served with homosexuals in the war. There's nothing wrong with that. They were good soldiers." Dig it. Anybody who's willing to pick up a gun and lay down his life for this country has my respect.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Dang, I haven't posted anything in a while...

Oh, it's because I put in new windows and insulated the bedrooms am trying to prepare for a presentation that I don't know much about this Friday and I work full time. Yeah, that's why.