Monday, July 27, 2009

Slick Vick

I don't know, I feel like anybody who served his time in the pokie deserves to get a second shot at anything. Politics, acting, construction, engineering, whatever. Yeah, even sex offenders. But sentence them appropriately. I don't have a problem giving rapists (not necessarily statutory) life in prison. But never let them out if sentenced to life. Life should mean life.

Sooooo, I don't have a problem with Vick playing football again. He did his time. I don't think he should be allowed to own a pet, but we have to let people make a living. Either that or send every parolee to somewhere in remote Alaska and let them fend for themselves.

1 comment:

Kim said...

As much as I personally detest Vick, I agree that he deserves a second chance. He has said that he's sorry and started volunteering with the Humane Society of the US to help combat dog fighting. Plus, isn't that the whole point of our penal system - to rehabilitate?

Nice to see you blogging, old friend.